tiistai 28. heinäkuuta 2009

Viesti taiteilijaystävältämme Suvadeep Dasilta

Toukokuun puolessavälissä poliisin Intiaan passittama Suva kerää parhaillaan varoja päästäkseen takaisin Suomeen syksyllä, jolloin hänellä alkaa opinnot Teatterikorkeakoulussa Helsingissä. Hirvitalon väki on yrittänyt osaltaan auttaa häntä yrityksessään. Tässä viesti Suvalta:


To friends from –suomi

I begin with my heartiest gratitude to all who are present here, “TERVEHYDYS”. I love to be among you people. In my former visit to Finland, I found Tampere as the best and most social and culturally rich among all other cities. I was able to share my creative bits and parts, and humbly contributed with what little I had. It would have been really difficult for me without your friendship and support. It was real honour for me to work and perform at ‘Hirvitalo’. I am equally honoured to mention places of culture like Pispalan Teatteri, Pispalan Ihoteollisus, Herta, Vastavirta, Telakka and Pispalan Kirjasto and the site pykki pystö of events. Most important I am honoured to have friends from Pispala, a place with a big smile and a symbol of brotherhood.

Coming from a different coloured background I never felt alien and tried my best to adapt to to such a ihana culture. I loved with all of you playing organically (with fingers) the drums and singing as well. My biggest moment was creating the “tukkirumpu” and the community performance that followed in 16th December. It was great honour to perform with ‘BLACK MOTOR’, our very own band ‘Hirvi Explosion’, my gig with ‘sounds of Ankur’- the Brazilian singer ceaser and my small contribution to Pispalan teatteri. I may have done few more activities, however in all these I wish to thank you, all of you who made me comfortable and gave me a place which I can call as my ‘second home’.

I come from a land of emotions which ofcourse makes me emotional by saying all these. My worst moment was when I had to leave on the mid of toukokuu without saying goodbye to such wonderful and best of friends. All these things gave me more strength and with the help of almighty I will come back to work and live and be a part of your activities and action once again. Yes for this I need all of your support and help to bring me back. [ Ever since I was a child I had one dream and that is to form an universal connection of one world – a world without beurocratic norms, a world where all the cultures meet like the ocean, a world with equal economic conditions, a world without political and geographical boundaries, a world full of openness where race, distinction, colour, religion and regions don’t exist.] It may sound like fantasy, but we can still assume and make it happen. Are you all with me?--- I repeat loudly ‘ARE YOU ALL WITH ME?’

I wish I could read these notes aloud but I am happy that one of you will do so and while reading this I can visualize my presence strongly with my whole heart and soul. If I am asked that how do I see myself among you people – I would rather say ‘ as a simple entertainer and everlasting friend to all of you and an Ystävä and not a kaveri’. That is the greatest thing I ever received from you all which is friendship. Yes I will be back soon and will do a lot of work and create Art works, play lot of music and will share what little I have to keep the spirit of community alive. I will need all of your help and support without which it can be really hard for me to come back. Yet spiritually I can see myself present among you all and working and creating new things again. With all my heart and affection ------------


Suvasta netissä:









torstai 16. heinäkuuta 2009

Mustan Pispalan jälkeen

Anarkistinen vastakulttuurifestari Musta Pispala on jälleen ohi ja pää täynnä työpajojen kekusteluissa heräämiä ajatuksia ja ideoita. Uskon, että järjestetty tapahtuma antoi arvokkaan tilaisuuden käsitellä anarkismia aiheena yleisesti sekä paneutua anarkistisiksi enemmän tai vähemmän itsensä mieltävien toimijoiden keskinäisiin kysymyksiin. Ne Hirvitalolla ja Vastavirta-klubilla järjestetyt keskustelut ja työpajat, joihin itse osallistuin, vaihtelivat laadultaan ihan ok -tasosta huippuihin (esim. Theatre of The Oppressed oli itselleni henkilökohtaisesti ja ammatillisesti merkittävä työpaja). Sellainen olo jäi, että tämän hetken tärkeimpiä ja vaikeimpia kysymyksiä ns. skenen sisällä on seksismi ja (seksuaali)vähemmistöjen syrjiminen. Tämä kysymys koskettaa myös Hirvitaloa, mistä myöhemmin lisää.

Lopuksi tähän aivan aiheeseen liittymätön juttu: joku pikkupoika oli käynyt tulostamassa Hirvarin mustesuihkutulostimella ison läjän Pokemon-kortteja, minkä seurauksena muste oli totaalisesti loppunut. ^-^


Voiman verkkolehti Fifin juttu festarista:

Esimerkki yhdestä ns. skenen sisäisestä kipupisteestä ja sen käsittely-yrityksestä:

Hirvitalo’s archiving project: Material wanted

As a part of Pispala Culture Associations EVS project a volunteer is collecting and organizing information of the past events held in Hirvitalo or related to Pispala Culture Association. She is collecting pictures, videos, documents, press releases and anything that could help to make the Hirvitalo ‘ s archive complete and ready for any kind of public or private presentation.
If you want to help her in this and have any pictures, photos, posters, etc…Please send them to this e-mail with a short description in English of the material including at least the name and date of the documented event, the organizer and the copyright holder of the material:


or bring them to Hirvitalo any day you can

If you know about more people, who might have something to add, don’t hesitate in contact them and spread this message!

The project in which the archiving is done is funded by EU´s Youth in Action Programme. More info about the programme can be found from Centre for International Mobility, CIMO:
Read more about EVS(European Voluntary Service) at:


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.